Growth Virus Metamorphosis Transformation Giantess Vore giantess special effects growth fetish

Growth Virus Metamorphosis Transformation Giantess Vore giantess special effects growth fetishTo find more videos from
Diane Chrystall
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Studio:Diane Chrystall
Length:21 minutes
becoming engorged with fluid. The feeling was indescribable, like her skin was about to burst apart. Dianes colleagues looked on in shock as she grew taller and wider, her skin stretching and bulging with each passing moment. Her veins bulged out from under her skin like thick, knotty ropes, throbbing with a dark black light. Her bones creaked and groaned, unable to support the massive weight that was quickly accumulating on her frame. Diane continued to grow, towering over the hospital and breaking through the ceiling. Her clothes and medical equipment were in tatters, unable to contain her rapidly expanding body. She felt a sense of power and purpose coursing through her veins. She looked down at the city below and saw people screaming and running in terror. Without thinking, she reached down and plucked a stranded person from a rooftop, holding him gently in her enormous hand. She started laughing at him. He is so tiny like an ant compared to her. Diane always wondered what human would taste like so she shoved him into her mouth and swallowed him in whole. She loved the taste and became addict immediately. She couldnt stop eating the tiny people. They tried to run but they couldnt. Diane ate them all. She picked up a school bus full of people and...