Helly Manon's volunteers Part I 4K VR360 – Winzlings Shrinking Clips goddess worship giantess shrinking pov vr virtual reality jenni czech vr 360 crush feet butt hands vore tiny panty

Helly Manon's volunteers Part I 4K VR360 - Winzlings Shrinking Clips goddess worship giantess shrinking pov vr virtual reality jenni czech vr 360 crush feet butt hands vore tiny pantyTo find more videos from
Winzlings Shrinking Clips
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Studio:Winzlings Shrinking Clips
perhaps, naturally – the shrinking tech has shrunk significantly.

“Ready? Then lets start!” She rolls the counter to one inch... no, two inches. She double checks the controls and presses the button. A high pitched squeal seems to emanate from your bones, as if some strange vibration has taken control of you. You look up and up as each moment seems to make the brunette scientist stretch further into the skies of the vastly expanding room. Her legs stretch to both sides of you – and she makes no effort to keep you from seeing her white panties peaking from under her skirt. She smiles, seeing that youre as lively as ever after the shrinking process – sticking her tongue out and biting her lower lip as she prods you with her classy stiletto. It thooms as its flat tan sole makes contact with the wood floor.


“Hello little volunteer! How are you? Are you okay?” Helly leans onto the floor to inspect you closer – her face glowing with the joy from a successful experiment. Shes impressed by the level of trust youve shown her in allowing yourself to be shrunken – she could just flick you if she wanted to... but dont worry, she reassures you, “Youre in good hands.”

“Youre really not afraid of me? … You like to be controlled by giant women?” She knows...